Sturgis Oktoberfest & Fall Festival

Community Calendar Event

Join us on Friday and Saturday, September 25th - 26th for Sturgis's 6th Annual Oktoberfest event at Harley-Davidson Rally Point - now expanded to a Fall Festival!

Join us on Friday and Saturday, September 25th - 26th for Sturgis's 6th Annual Oktoberfest event at Harley-Davidson Rally Point - now expanded to a Fall Festival!

The event kicks off Friday at 10 am with the annual Stein Crawl. On Saturday starting at 4:00 PM, enjoy a live polka band, hay bale maze, tractor-pulled hay rides through downtown Sturgis, lots of fun activities treats, and food provided by local organizations, a fall-themed photo booth, a chili and pie tasting competition, a cornhole tournament and stein holding contest, and more!


E V E N T    S C H E D U L E

Friday, 9/25:

10:00 AM - 8:00 PM - Stein Crawl (see details below)

Saturday, 9/26:

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM: Stein Crawl (details below)

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Cornhole Tournament Registration (details below)

4:00 PM - Cornhole Tournament Begins

4:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Chili & Pie Tasting Competition (details below)

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Live Polka Music with the Happy Wanderers

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: tractor-pulled Hay Rides

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Hay Bale Maze

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Food, Treats, & Activities at Organization Booths

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Pumpkin Painting Contest

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Beer Tasting

6:30 PM - Stein Holding Contest

6:30 PM - Chili & Pie Tasting Winners Announced


Stein Crawl Details:
Pick up your Passports & have them stamped at participating locations: Oasis/Fireside, Sidehack, Sturgis Liquor, The Knuckle, The Loud American Roadhouse, and VFW. Turn in completed passports on Saturday at Rally Point between 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM to claim your 2020 Collectible Beer Stein; only 75 available!

Cornhole Tournament Details:
Register 2-person teams for $10 per team between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM at Harley-Davidson Rally Point. Winners will receive awesome prizes!

Chili & Pie Tasting Competition Details:
Entry forms to compete in the chili & pie tasting contest must be submitted to the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce no later than Wednesday, September 23rd. It is free to enter a pie or chili, and a trophy will be awarded to the winner of each category! Click the button below to download the form.

Activity Booth Details:
Organizations and businesses from the Sturgis area are invited to host an activity or treat booths at the festival! You may keep any donations your receive, but we kindly ask that you not require payment to keep this event affordable for families. Organization activities already being offered include a pumpkin painting booth, fall photo booth, hot cocoa bar, fall-themed baked treats, a petting zoo, hot apple cider, hot dogs, and more! Click below to request a booth space for free.