Open Bible Church
2121 Colorado Drive, Sturgis, SD
(605) 347-4381
Sunday Service | 10am
Wednesday Night Service | 7pm
Open Bible Sturgis is a located in Sturgis, South Dakota. Our beliefs are centered in Jesus Christ and based off the Bible. Our mission is being intentional about loving reaching teaching and then sending for Christ. We’re about helping people be intentional about loving on others and reaching them where they’re at, and teaching them to move forward in the understanding and love of God, and then sending them forth like the great commission.
We invite you to come and join us at any of our worship services. Sunday at 10 AM or Wednesday night at 7 PM. We know that going to a new church can be intimidating, so we try to do things in a way you will feel welcome. He will discover a atmosphere with practical teaching from God‘s word and lots of friendly people pursuing God together.
You are a valuable part of God’s creation and his deep desire is to be in a relationship with you. So come join us as we pursue God together!
At Open Bible Sturgis we value the family and we believe Church should be a place for All ages. Here at Open Bible Sturgis we allow the children to stay in our services. We do have a cry room if it is needed. However we do encourage the children to worship alongside with their parents.