Please join us for the Third Annual “Trunk or Treat”. “Trunk or Treat” is an activity which has opportunities for many. Some may wish to park in the church parking lot and offer ‘treats’ to the children of our community on Halloween evening. Others may wish to bring their children, grandchildren, friend’s children, or friends who act like children. Please feel free to decorate your trunks or, cars with non-scary Halloween decorations. If you would like to participate, but do not wish to decorate - that’s OK. Just come to have some fun!
Trunk or Treat
DATE: Sunday, October 31 (Halloween)
TIME: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
(Please be parked by 3:45 p.m.)
WHERE: First Presbyterian Church Parking Lot
Please contact Betty Nettleton if you would like to participate.