Monthly Meade 46-1 School Board Meeting
5:30PM | Williams Administration Building | 1230 Douglas Street
The school board meets on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the board room located in the Williams Administrative Building, 1230 Douglas Street, Sturgis. On occasion, the August meeting is moved from the second Monday to accommodate the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
All board meetings are open to the public and all actions authorized or required by law are taken at those meetings. The school board welcomes attendance at meetings by employees, students, parents, and members of the community. To view an informational brochure about the school board meetings, click below.
Patrons who wish to discuss a matter with the board or who want items placed on the agenda are asked to contact the superintendent 10 days prior to the meeting by calling 347-2523.
Meade School Board members for the 2021-22 school year include, Joseph Urbaniak (Board President), Lee Spring (Board Vice President), Holly Good, Terry Koontz, John Nachtigall, Aaron Odegaard, Darrell Vig, JT Vig, and Charlie Wheeler.