Black Hills Women in Business Networking Meetup
Organized By: Black Hills Financial Planning, Mandy Froelich
The Hotel Sturgis | 1144 Main Street, Sturgis | 3rd Tuesdays, Monthly | 5PM - 7PM
- This group exists to provide education, community, and support to business owners in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
- Anyone is eligible to join! Whether you're new to business and are looking to get a hobby off the ground or are a weathered entrepreneur with advice to share, please come and enjoy!
- Our group will meet once a month at Hotel Sturgis in Sturgis, South Dakota, to discuss new ideas and learn how to improve our businesses, pay less in taxes, leverage our earnings, and more.
- Are you working on a new project, hobby, or business?
- Do you feel as if you’re going at it alone and would like more support from a like-minded community?
- Do you have burning questions about registering your company, protecting your assets, and reducing your debt(s)?
- Are you interested in making new friends and building strong professional relationships with other working women?
If you answered “Yes!” to even one of these, please consider joining this new Meetup event in the Black Hills of SD which will occur EVERY month. We’ll be meeting at Hotel Sturgis for their DELICIOUS coffee and ambiance to network, get questions answered, and grow our businesses.