Sturgis Community Christmas Concert
Our 42nd annual Sturgis Community Christmas Concert is planned for Sunday, Dec.12th at 2:00pm in the Sturgis Community Center Theater (located at 1401 Lazelle St in Sturgis).
After almost 2 years of postponements and cancellations of arts events, SAAC is poised to host one of its first concerts since the pandemic began. Church musicians are beginning to rehearse, albeit with new rules of safety and social distancing. SAAC is anxious to host an event that will keep both musicians and audience safe but will still give participants the joy of public music absent so long from us in our community.
Church musicians from Sturgis and Whitewood are looking forward to the sharing of the gift of music. Each choir is preparing individual selections and will unite in a mass choir number conducted by Toby Rath. Toby is the choir director at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Whitewood.
Although SAAC cannot predict the future of the pandemic, there is hope that the concert will take place in December in a safe manner. In order to keep ourselves, our friends, and our families safe, we suggest that the audience may consider wearing masks because of the close proximity in the theater and to socially distance themselves as much as they are able.
All are invited to this free concert. An opportunity for a donation will be available at the door. Please plan to attend and usher in the Christmas season with this traditional community event. We have missed performing for an audience.