Spring 2025 Sale Date:
Saturday, May 3rd 2025 - Registration Now Open!
Fall 2025 Sale Date:
Saturday, October 4th 2025
The Spring and Fall Sturgis Community Yard Sales are organized by the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau on the Saturday preceding the first full week of May, and the Saturday preceding the first full week of October annually. Anyone in the Sturgis area can opt to participate in the event - sale registrations are collected at the Chamber and compiled onto a map, which is then dispersed electronically and in print to the general public!
This event averages over 50 sales per event each year and historically has boasted extremely high attendance from shoppers! Sturgis residents look forward to this city-wide activity twice every year, and visitors will arrive from across the region to peruse the sale locations. Items available range widely from apparel and home goods to sporting equipment, books, antiques, and even vehicles! Businesses can also register to participate, featuring sidewalk sales and excess merchandise.
These events are organized by the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau as a fundraiser to support our free community events and initiatives. We are a 501(c)6 nonprofit.
Spring 2025 Sale Details:
The Sturgis Area Chamber's official SPRING Community Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, May 3rd 2025!
Sale times vary by location. Register for inclusion on the official map no later than Wednesday, 4/30. Late registrations will NOT be accepted.
Registration Fee:
Registration costs $20 per sale. This fee is a fundraiser to support our nonprofit organization's free community events and programs, such as the Parade of Lights, Community Picnic, and more. Your registration fee helps us serve the community. Thank you!
Registration Eligibility:
Sale registration is open to any location within five miles of Sturgis**.
You may choose your own sale start and end times. Only times taking place on the official sale date (Saturday, 5/3) will be listed on the map and advertising. You may also choose to add a short 4-5 word description of your sale during registration (if your description is too long we will edit it).
** Locations within five miles of Sturgis that are located outside of the map area may be registered, but may not have a map marker directly on each site on the printed map. However, the map marker will be included on the Google map electronic version and the address will be listed. **
3 Ways to Register:
1. Register at the Chamber Office:
You may register at the Chamber office located at 2040 Junction Avenue in Sturgis. Our hours are Monday - Friday, 8am -5pm. We have paper copies of the registration form at the front desk. We accept cash, check, or card payments in the office.
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2. Mail in Registration:
You may download the registration form (click button below), print, fill it out, and mail it to our office with $20 payment: Sturgis Chamber, 2040 Junction Avenue, Sturgis, SD 57785.
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3. Online Registration:
Online registration and payment is available on Eventbrite at the link below. An Eventbrite convenience fee will be applied.
Official Maps:
Printed maps of all registered sales will be available starting on THURSDAY, 5/1 at the Sturgis Chamber office (2040 Junction Avenue) in a box located outside the front door.
Electronic Google maps will be available by link on our Facebook page, this event page, and our website starting on THURSDAY, 5/1.
This event is organized by the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau as a fundraiser to support our free community events and initiatives. We are a 501(c)6 nonprofit.