About Dakota Territory Technologies, LLC
From their website:
"Dakota Territory Technologies, LLC, is a registered VOSDSB (Veteran Owned Service Disabled Small Business) information technology provider that specializes in network design, implementation, security, disaster recovery, and database back-up in the Black Hills of SD.
With over 14 years of experience, we emphasize the importance of quality and integrity to ensure each project is a success."
Dakota Territory Tech was founded in 2022 by Anthony Eads, an Air Force veteran with more than 14 years of technical experience. He offers both physical security systems and network troubleshooting for residential homes, small businesses, and government entities.
- Policy/Procedure Creation and Update
- Network Design and Implementation
- Firewall Install and Configuration
- Switch or Router Install and Configuration
- Physical, Host, and Network Intrusion Detection Systems
- Closed Circuit Camera Security Systems
- Network/PC Troubleshooting and Repair
- Audio and Video Design and Implementation
- Entertainment Systems Install
- Education and Training
- Technical Consulting