Chamber Activities Update

Happy Wednesday!

There are already a few snowflakes in the air for the impending winter storm, but that doesn’t stop us from planning some fun events coming up in Sturgis this month!

First and foremost, we’re putting on our haunted house again! This event will be a blast, and we have some great clubs and organizations lined up to work as spooks this year – stop by one of the four nights we are hosting the event to show your support! We are very excited to again be constructing the haunted house in the basement of the Armory, a location that many of us already know may be haunted to begin with and is one of the spookiest places in Sturgis year-round. Bring your $5, your teenagers, your grandma, your significant other, and have some fun while supporting our community!

Second, we are teaming up with United Way of the Black Hills to offer the one thing Sturgis wants above all else – free coffee and donuts. Scroll down to learn more about United Way, and be sure to stop by the Chamber between 6am and 9am next Friday the 18th to drop off a pledge or your donation packet in exchange for your coffee and donut to support all the wonderful things they do!

Finally, I’d like to mention how grateful I am for the phenomenal turnout and support of our first Promoting Sturgis Retail Idea-Sharing Session this past Monday. There was a TON of enthusiasm, ideas, and general camaraderie amongst the attendees. We have already scheduled a follow-up session for November 4th to keep the momentum going!

Thanks for another fantastic week, and have a great first snow of the season!


Veronica Grosek
Executive Director
Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau