It has been a brisk first week as your new Executive Director! I have had the opportunity to meet several Members and supporters this week already, and I am thrilled to continue making connections to hone our vision and road map for 2019.
The Chamber of Commerce’s mission has always been near to my heart – I grew up in Sturgis, learned what it takes to start a small business and manage non-profit operations through a family-founded organization, and am now ready to pour that knowledge and enthusiasm back into the town I love so much. The community comes first for me, so please contact me if you have any comments, suggestions, or new ideas – my door is always open!
As the year progresses I will be reaching out to Members to better understand your businesses, goals, and how the Chamber can positively make a difference for each of you. In the meantime, we are hosting a Meet & Greet event from 1pm to 3pm on Tuesday, January 8th in our office at 2040 Junction Ave. This event is open to everyone, so please stop by and say hello!
I am looking forward to a busy year, and wishing you all a Happy New Year as well!
Veronica Grosek
Executive Director
Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau