Great Local Advertising Opportunities!

Happy Friday, Sturgis!

My week has flown by, and I couldn’t help but notice all of the amazing, unique, and new types of marketing our Sturgis area businesses are engaging in to boost business and adjust to the times! Many of you are going above-and-beyond to try new advertising methods and expand what you were already doing. I agree – now, more than EVER, it is important to make sure people know that your business exists, where your business is located, how to purchase from you (especially if you are focusing on digital or other alternative means!), and what you offer.

This being the case, I’ve done some legwork to track down several GREAT advertising opportunities offered by our very own Chamber members! These businesses are engaged in our community and they know how to best help you succeed – give it a shot! Most of them have some great new ad opportunities that are creative and very reasonably priced. Here’s what I collected: 

Black Hills Pioneer / Weekly Prospector

Ad Type: Print (Newspaper), Digital

Offer Details: The Black Hills Pioneer is offering several great prints and electronic ad opportunities, including: 

  • Sturgis Special Events Listings – The BHP offers to print ads for your special event happening in the Sturgis area! The deadline is always the Wednesday prior to publishing.  Ad price is $155 per event for a double size, or $89 for a single size, both with upgrades available (click button below for details). 
  • Spring Fever Gift Card Sale – In exchange for ad space, you can give the Black Hills Pioneer gift cards to your business equivalent to the price of the ad you want! Ad space can be used anytime from now until May 21st. Click the button below for details – ads start at $150!
  • Quarterly “Careers & Business” Section Ad – This section offers four issues per year, the Winter Issue (due Jan. 24th), Spring Issue (due April 24th), Summer Issue (due July 24th), and Fall Issue (due Oct. 23rd)! This is a valuable opportunity to promote your products and services, jobs, economic growth, and business news. Ads start at just $95 per issue!
  • “Support Area Graduates” Special Section Ad – Help sponsor this special section in the BH Pioneer and support our Sturgis graduates! You can choose to purchase a 2″x2″ Display Ad with a graphic for $50 each, or a Line Listing with your business name, address, and phone number for just $16 each! You will be able to select the school you wish to support with each listing (click below for options). These ads are due soon – April 24th!
  • “Home” Special Section Ads – Ads in this special section of the BH Pioneer are designed to inspire and inform readers who want to enhance their living spaces with fresh editorial features and valuable advertising from businesses offering the products and services to help. There is a “Spring Home & Garden” option (due May 1st) and a “Fall Real Estate & Home Improvement” option (due Sep. 4th) with ads starting at just $95, with upgrades available. Click the button below for details.
  • “Flag Etiquette” Section Ads – This special section honors the flag with articles about Flag Day, the proper way to dispose of a retired flag, and the history of the flag. This section publishes the Saturday before Memorial Day and also honors the military. What a great way to show your patriotism and advertise your business at the same time!

Contact Info: Sharon Mason (Advertising Representative) – (605) 641-8636

Black Hills Visitor / Black Hills Bride / Black Hills Parent Magazine

Ad Type: Print (Magazine Publication), Digital

Offer Details: Evergreen Media has an array of options to help promote your business – especially in times we face today. From website development, SEM management, and social media packages, they can help you with your digital needs. The team also publishes several niche publications that each have digital audiences and entities – these include Black Hills Visitor magazine, Black Hills Bride magazine, and Black Hills Parent magazine! Connect with them to see how you can grow your impressions. Services range from no cost and up. Please contact them for more information and customized quotes.

Contact Info: Rick Denherder (Owner & Publisher) – (605) 343-7684

GP Local / Trail Addict

Ad Type: Print (Magazine Publication, Directory), Digital

Offer Details: Helping small businesses continue to grow no matter what the situation. GPLocal can help you with your marketing needs with custom website design, digital/social marketing, direct mail, printing, and more! They publish GP Local (formerly Gold Pages) and a wildly popular print booklet called “Trail Addict,” showcasing all of the wonderful hiking and biking trails in the Hills area! Contact them about placing a listing (starting package is FREE, with upgrades available!) or an ad for inclusion in their publications.

Contact Info: Jenn Renner (Sales Manager) – (605) 342-6200

KOTA / Black Hills Fox

Ad Type: Television, Digital

Offer Details: Black Hills Fox and KOTA TV invite you to help thank our nurses during National Nurses Week from May 6th to May 12th! Now more than ever, nurses are proving their worth, dedication, and commitment to our communities. KOTA/KEVN invite YOU and your business to join us in saying “Thank You!” to local nurses. Record a 7-8 second video of yourself thanking nurses for all their hard work and dedication. KOTA/KEVN will combine your video with a video from two other businesses to create a :30 commercial to air May 6-12 during National Nurses Week. Your commercial will air: 5 times from 6am – 12pm, 5 times from 12pm – 5pm, and 5 times from 5pm-midnight. That’s 15 commercials for $225! They also have an entire suite of digital marketing opportunities available (click below to view).

Contact Info: Alesha Blair (Account Executive) – (605) 786-5405

Official Sturgis Publication

Ad Type: Print (Magazine Publication), Digital

Offer Details: The Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce, City of Sturgis, and Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame are again teaming up to provide one combined Official Sturgis Publication in 2020! The 2020 magazine continues the tradition of providing interesting feature articles on the heritage of motorcycling, Sturgis, and the Black Hills. Not to mention, it includes at-a-glance informational charts on our accommodations, food, and drink, and a full Chamber Directory! This is our official publication and is distributed for free to thousands of tourists, locals, businesses, and visitor centers across the region. Click below to learn more about advertising in our hometown publication and support your Chamber at the same time! We have 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and full-page ad sizes available that will be published digitally and in print!

Contact Info: Veronica Grosek (Executive Director) – (605) 347-2556

Rapid City Journal

Ad Type: Print (Newspaper), Digital

Offer Details: The Rapid City Journal has just rolled out a brand new ad project to help small- and medium-sized businesses who are trying to advertise using their social media pages! The RCJ crew has put together an ingenious way to incorporate your social media logo on a full-page ad depicting a cell phone so people will know where to go to take advantage of the services you are providing right now. Click the button below to see the ad image – your logo will appear in one of the boxes shown! Take advantage of this opportunity to drive potential customers to your social media pages!

Contact Info: Billie Becker (Northern Hills Representative) – (605) 431-1096

I hope you consider taking advantage of one or several of these opportunities! Each of these companies is working hard to provide marketing and advertising solutions that help your business. If you invest now, you will be in a better position to hit the ground running soon, and to make the most of our situation now! 


Veronica Grosek

Executive Director

Sturgis Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau