Kiara’s Take: What the Chamber is Doing to Help Our Members

I have been working with the Chamber since the beginning of November 2019, and boy have I learned so much! When we decided to work remotely I was kind of worried. Not only were most of our members closing for the time being, but I wasn’t quite sure what we were going to do. Most of our work is FOCUSED on our members. I started brainstorming on ways that we could help our members through this pandemic. 

Thankfully Veronica has so many good ideas. We have been sharing all of our updates on the community closings and resources. We decided to hold a Virtual Easter Egg Hunt, which I thought was a great idea! We have been doing Zoom meetings like most, and what a learning experience!

Even though we are not in the office, we are still busy! We have been working on some things that we as a Chamber are excited about – new maps, event planning, working with members, and more! We are coming up with new ideas every day on how to help out our members virtually.

When I was first told that we were going to be working from home, I was concerned. I instantly thought that I wasn’t going to have enough things to do, or I would get distracted too easily. But, I did some research for a Chamber blog and taught myself how to stay productive and focused while working remotely. We have been lucky and have had so many different organizations and businesses helping others with this exact issue.

Even though this is a tough time, I believe that we will get through it! So hang in there, and stay healthy. Thanks for reading!

Kiara Poitra 

Receptionist & Event Coordinator

Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau