New Year, New Business Goals

Hello, all!

As January wraps up, make sure to reflect on your first month of business in the new year. Are you meeting the goals you’ve outlined for yourself so far? If not, now is a great time to adjust and move forward more confidently.

Here at the Chamber, we’re hard at work communicating with Members to lay the groundwork for a great 2019! As I continue to get to know our business community, I feel more and more grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given to support your endeavors. Please remember that my door is always open to new ideas and feedback, as well as requests for assistance.

Our very first Legislative Crackerbarrel of the new year is happening this Saturday, February 2nd. This will be a casual and informational question-and-answer type event, so please mark your calendar – involvement in local politics is becoming more and more imperative, and the Chamber aims to help foster a positive environment for everyone to learn and participate. Please let us know if you have any questions about ways to be more involved, and remember to invite as many young people as possible to start forming our leaders of tomorrow!

Finally, I have a challenge for each of you – take time this week to share an idea or some words of advice with a fellow business owner or community member. It can be as simple as a tip on how to schedule your day to be more productive, or a referral to help grow one another’s businesses. Winter is a great season to try new things and look at your business from a fresh perspective before the busy summer season sets in!


Veronica Grosek

Executive Director

Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau