Welcome Back, Businesses!

Happy May Day!

The sun is out and the town is buzzing! It feels so good to see businesses reopening and welcoming visitors again. As I meander through town, it’s amazing to see how friendly and lively our business proprietors and their customers are! I think we’ve all been looking forward to getting out and about.

As more and more businesses open their doors, please take special note of the City of Sturgis’s guidelines for re-opening. They have broken down the precautions each type of business should take. Click here to view the document. They are also putting on a special gift card giveaway initiative to help boost business – you can check out the details in the following link. The SD Department of Health has also released a checklist to help you take all necessary safety precautions for your visitors and staff.

I want to especially encourage each of you to get out of the house, enjoy the beautiful May weather we are experiencing, and don’t be afraid to stop by a business or two. Here at the Chamber, we’ve put together a special hand-made Pop-Up Visitor Stop that is extra-sanitary and super cute! Please stop by – we’re ready to greet you with a smile!

We are now open regular hours Monday – Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. 


Veronica Grosek

Executive Director

Sturgis Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau